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Q: Why was the Magellan's voyage of 1519 to 1522 important?
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What was the length of time Ferdinand magellans voyage last?

1519-1522, 3 years

How long did it take magellans crew to circumnavigate the world?

Three years 1519-1522

When was the completion of the first voyage around the world?

1519- 1522

When was the first voyage around the world?

September 20, 1519- September 6, 1522

How long was Ferdinand Meggelans voyage?

It lasted from 1519-1522 but he only made it to 1521.

When was magellans first voyage?

Magellan's attempt to sail around the world began in 1519 when his fleet set sail from Seville in Spain. The ships accomplished their mission and returned in 1522 but without Magellan who died in the Philippines.

What was the significance of magellans voyage?

The significance of Magellanâ??s voyage was that he was first to circumnavigate the world, which and took three years from 1519 to 1522. By doing so, he found a western sea route from Europe to Asia and the Spice Islands. He also sailed the Pacific Ocean on this trip. However, he did not return home with his crew in 1522 because he was killed by natives on an island of the Philippines in 1521.

When was Magellan's expedition?


What year did Magellan first circumnavagate the glode?

Ferdinand Magellan did not circumnavigate the globe. He attempted to in 1519 but was killed in the Philippines in 1520. Some of his crew managed to sail one of his ships back to Spain and thus became the first circumnavigators.

When did Magellan go on his voyages?


When did Magellan travel around the world?

From 1519-1522

When did Magallen circumnavigate the world?

It's Magellan. Also he did not complete a full circumnavigation, as he was killed in the Philippines about half way around the globe. The rest of the voyage was undertaken by Elcano. The ship Victoria, was the only ship that completed the voyage between 1519-1522