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Q: Why was the Mauritius was discovered by portuguese settlers?
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Who discover Mauritius?

Mauritius was discovered FIRSTLY by the Arabs. Then the Portuguese. It was first settled by the Dutch...does this help? or do you need more info? check it out on wikipedia!!

Who discovered Mauritius and when?

Officially, the Mauritius island was first discovered by the Dutch in 1598.

What are the names of the mascarenes islands?

They include Mauritius, Réunion, and Rodrigues. The name is derived from that of a 16th‐century Portuguese explorer, Pedro de Mascarenhas, who discovered Réunion c.1513. Rodrigues is a dependency of Mauritius while Réunion is a separate state.

How many Hindus are in Mauritius?

Approximately 48.5% of population of Mauritius is Hindu. They all are settlers from India.

In which year was the last dodo spotted?

That would be in the year AD 1598. The dodo only lived on the island of Mauritius, off the coast of Madagascar. These strange birds were first spotted by Europeans by the Portuguese sailors. Of course, local native peoples no doubt had known about the dodo bird for a LONG time before the Portuguese showed up.

Where did the original Angola settlers come from?

Most of the original foreign settlers of Angola were Portuguese.

In what century was Cape Verde discovered by the Portuguese?

Cape Verde was discovered by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century (in 1462 to be precise).

Which one was NOT a challenge that the settlers faced?

-attacks from the Portuguese

Why the Portuguese became leaders of European exploration?

Actually the Portuguese became world leaders of exploration, from Brazil to Japan. We discovered Brazil, we were the first Western country to reach Japan, etc. This is all due to the portuguese navigators, who were ages ahead of any other country at the time, since their knowledge was granted by Arab settlers/invaders and developed by portuguese specialists of the time.

Where did the original settlers come from to Brazil?

they were portuguese they came from Portugal

Which groups were the FIRST European settlers in Indonesia?

dutch and portuguese

Is the dodo bird Scottish?

No. The dodo was discovered on the island of Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.