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they had a very (sick) belief that they where the dominant humans and that any other human was low life non important human, and so they went on a killing spree trying to take over the world.

there are three things that Hitler achieved on his mission 1-lots of BS 2- insanity 3- the right to commit suicide .

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the had a smart and powerful leader and the will to fight

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Q: Why were the Nazis so hateful?
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Its not the world that is hateful its the people. People in this world are so cruel an hateful its just sad. But soon this madnees will all be over but not to,to soon but it will.

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The republican party has become so hateful in recent years because it is not on power.

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Neo-Nazis are located wherever ignorance and poverty, inflamed by hateful rhetoric, inspire the weak-minded to racial and cultural violence. if you become part of this group, they have a ceremony for you. Most Neo Nazis are in America because it's legal to speak about Nazism. Most of the Neo-Nazis are located in the United States. A lot of them are in North America because they believe that the united states should only be allowed to have Whites or Nazis!

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The question is based on an inaccurate premise. Not all men, by a very large margin, are hateful towards fat women.

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Why did Hitler and the Nazis hate the Jews way?

Before and during World War II, Hitler and his Nazi associates hated the "way" of the Jews as well as the Jews themselves for, as they claimed, many reasons: political intrigue, financial deceptions and manipulations, inferior "blood," innate diseases and deficiencies, and so on. At root, however, it is clear that the Nazis' hatred came from a very basic, and very hateful, prejudice.

A sentence with hateful?

Some people are very hateful because they aren't graceful

What were some of the Nazis belief and who did they affect'?

Nazis believed that Germans were the master race. This evil and hateful political party came to power in Germany in 1933. Thier leader was Adolf Hitler. They belived that Jews and others were inferior and they began a program to exterminate the Jewish race. Nazis burned books and banned all dissent. Homosexuals,gypsies and Jews and many others were sent to concentration camps where they were gassed to death. It is estimated that over 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis.