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Christian extremists don't like it.

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"Julie of the Wolves" by Jean Craighead George has been challenged and banned due to its depiction of violence, including references to hunting and animal attacks. Some have also raised concerns about the portrayal of a young girl's struggle for survival and the themes of loneliness and identity.

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What color are the wolves in Julie the book is Julie not Julie of the Wolves?

She is Julie of the wolves, if that is what you are asking. She has a different eskimo name.

Who are the main characters in the book Julie of the wolves?

the main characters in Julie of the Wolves are Miyax/Julie and the Wolves.

What color are the wolves and pups in Julie of the Wolves?

In the book "Julie of the Wolves" by Jean Craighead George, the wolves are described as having a gray coloring. The pups are also described as having a gray coat, which helps them blend in with their surroundings in the Arctic tundra.

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Julie's father is deceased in the book ''Julie of the Wolves.'' He has passed away before the events of the story take place.

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If my memory is correct, he sorta tried to rape her >< My least favorite part of that book.

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Jean Craighead George won the Newbery Medal for her book "Julie of the Wolves" in 1973.

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What is the series in order for Julie of the Wolves?

The series "Julie of the Wolves" by Jean Craighead George consists of three books in the following order: "Julie of the Wolves", "Julie" and "Julie's Wolf Pack".

When was Julie of the Wolves created?

Julie of the Wolves was created in 1972.

What are the titles of the two sequels to Julie of the wolves?

There were three books in total: Julie of the Wolves, Julie, and Julie's Wolf Pack.

What is the setting in the book Julie of the Wolves?

in a tundra on Antarctica