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because the brain was a organ that needed to be removed and put in a canopic jar which is where they put all the organs

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So the brain doesn't rot in your head when you die.

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Q: Why was the brain removed in ancient Egypt?
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What boby parts were removed in ancient Egypt?

the internal body parts such as brain, intestine, etc

Why were the brains removed during mummification in ancient Egypt?

They thought that the brain was useless so they just tossed them

In ancient egypt what was removed from the incision on his left side?

The intestines, liver, stomach and lungs were all removed.

What was empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt?

A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.

What happened to the body of a person in ancient Egypt when the internal organs were removed?

the body of the people in ancient Egypt will become thin because of the whether in that place is hot and dry.

How did they get the brain out of the mummies and why?

They removed it through the nose with a metal hook and why they removed it is because the ancient Egyptians beleived it surved no purpose.

But why did the ancient Egypt people pull there brain out people nose?

The ancient Egyptians practiced a process called mummification in which they removed the brain through the nose to preserve the body for the afterlife. They believed that only the heart was necessary for the journey to the afterlife, not the brain. The removal of the brain allowed for better preservation of the body.

Which organ was considered useless in ancient Egypt?

The human brain. They had no idea what its function was. As far as they knew, it was just stuff to fill the cavity of the skull. During mummification it was removed through an opening cut through the nostrils and discarded.

Where did they put organs in ancient Egypt?

When the organs were removed in the mummification process, they were preserved in canopic jars.

What happens to the body after the internal organs had been removed in ancient Egypt?

they were removed quit tuff and they removed it becausethe do not want it to be dull they want it to be interesting. by khubaib barrow

In ancient Egypt when you died did the take your brain out through your nose your?

they take your brian out and put it in a jar i think

What are the similarities and practices that ancient Egypt has in common with the US Today?

NOTHING! Have anything in the brain? Seems hallow to me.