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Q: Why was the church against people going to see sheakspeares plays?
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Galileo for going against the church

What is a word for going against the church?

the word for going against the church is actualy the longest word in the english dictionary. the word is: ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM pronounced: anti-dis-is-stab-lish-ment

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The percentage of people going to zoos then going against zoos is about 32% of the population. You're welcome

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they were persecuted for their religion and for going against the church

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What are people called who don't like going to church?

People that don't like to go to church aren't really called anything.

Who changed religion and was banished from church?

Martin Luther. He started the Protestant Reformation by going up against the Pope and declaring the church to be corrupt. It was after Luther's time that the church split into Catholic and Protestant.

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By going to church

Why was the Catholic Church against the scientific method during the enlightenment?

Answer from a CatholicTo the best of my knowledge, the Church was not against the scientific method at any time. They may even have contributed to it. If you want to have a specific argument dealt with, you are going to have to provide it.

Are psychic abilities against God?

Absolutely not! In fact being psycic is a God given gift. It means you are closer to the creater himself. I myself am psycic and have been still going to church. It is a gift.

Is Jarryd going to Solomon Islands with the church?

yes! He is going to help people on a mission trip. he is also going because he wants to go.

Why was the church against people going to the theatre in Shakespeare's time?

The theatre during Shakespeare's time was considered to be highly unmoral. It was believed that attending a performance at a theatre would keep people from attending church. Theatres were not quiets places like they are today. Many members of the audience would jeer the performers and crime was often an issue.