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In my opinion, and possibly many others, it's not.

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Q: Why was the death penalty seen as a humane method?
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Why is the Death Penalty legal?

The death penalty is legal in the US because the US Supreme Court ruled that it is not cruel or unusual punishment, and the Federal and some state legislatures have not seen fit to repeal it.

Why did people use the electric chair?

As technology improved it became seen as a more humane alternative to death by hanging or by firing squad.

What circumstances has the supreme court found death penalty laws to be unconstitutional?

in considering the scores of challenges to those state laws, the supreme court found the mandatory death penalty laws unconstitutional, though the 2 stage approach was seen to be constitutional.

Under what circumstances has the supreme court found death penalty laws to be unconstitutional?

in considering the scores of challenges to those state laws, the supreme court found the mandatory death penalty laws unconstitutional, though the 2 stage approach was seen to be constitutional.

what are the disadvantages-of death penalty?

The American Civil Liberties Union has an extensive article explaining why the death penalty is wrong. The article lists eight reasons and suggests that it is not fair and not a deterrent. Internationally, capital punishment generally seen as inappropriate and many countries no longer use it.

Is there a humane method of capital punishment?

This is a controversial subject as capital punishment in general is a system being scrutinized. However, there tends to be a shift towards making capital punishment as humane as possible. In America right now, lethal injection has been given much support for being quick and painless... and therefore seen as more humane. However, new data has shown that a person put through lethal injection can still feel feel pain. It is now being criticized as well for being an inhumane method of capital punishment. Much more information can be found in the wikipedia site, if searched Capital Punishment.

In the NHL is checking from behind a penalty?

Yes although it is not often seen or called.

Why does Susana Martinez the mayor of New Mexico want to reinstate the death penalty?

Well, part of it is political reasons. A recent shooting death of a Hatch police officer makes severe punishment popular, and she is pushing to reinstate the death penalty for those who kill children and police officers. She is a former prosecutor, and has probably seen a lot of bad stuff. Death penalties make good deterrents, but in the end they usually end up costing the taxpayers more, because there are more appeals and legal struggles against that severe of a punishment.

How were homosexuals punished in the 1900s?

It depends on which country you're talking about. In Persia, the penalty was death by hanging. the U.S., it was seen as a mental illness, and "patients" were sent to asylums. In Vietnam it was legal and there were no penalties other than social stigma.

How many penalty's have been given to man united at home against arsenal?

5 including rooneys by the way that was the worst penalty i have ever seen in my life

Why did hitler kill the people in the gas chamber?

It was seen as a more humane way of executing people than the other methods employed.

What are the disadvantages of death penalty?

The American Civil Liberties Union has an extensive article explaining why the death penalty is wrong. The article lists eight reasons and suggests that it is not fair and not a deterrent. Internationally, capital punishment generally seen as inappropriate and many countries no longer use it.