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because they needed it for artchitecture

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Q: Why was the development of iron so important?
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the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why is the difference important. speed at which development happen. The difference is important because speed does not necessarily have to do with the sequence also it's important to recognize the difference so you can identify where children need help or at risk.

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Why is coal and iron so important in Europe?

They're what steel come from.

Why does a teenage boy need certain nutrients?

Growth and development are very fast in teenage years and the demand of energy and nutrients are very high. It is very important to make sure that your kids are having very nutritious snacks and meals. You also have to be careful because this age is the largest amount of obesity. One of the most important nutrients is Iron, it is important for their growth and muscle development. I also found that Iron it is very important especially for girls to have a high intake of Iron due to when they start menstruating, along with blood loss there will be iron loss. In case of a low Iron diet, the teen age can become anemic and it is very hard to get the Iron levels back up. Trust me I know, cause I am anemic.