

Why was the flail used?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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Flails are used for threshing grain, a process that involves beating the grain as it sits on stalks. The flail consisted of two pieces of wood, the longer about thirty inches, or perhaps 75 centimeters, in length, and the other shorter by the width of a hand or more. They were joined by a short bit of chain, so the one not held could pivot in the beating process.

They were also used in wars, as were a number or agricultural tools. The earliest recorded use of them was about the years 1420 to 1425.

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A flail is used for tools and torture.

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Who invented the medieval flail?

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The purpose of a Flail mower is to cut tougher, thicker grass that can not be cut by an ordinary mower. They are usually driven and often used to cut grass by roadsides.

On Runscape can flail dust be made into Ivandis flail again?

Unfortunately, no. Flail dust is completely without purpose, and serves only to inform the player that their Ivandis Flail has completely discharged. It cannot be recovered through any use of the dust. You will need to reconstruct the flail from the beginning. Sorry!

Is a flail degrade?

To my knowledge, there are only two flails in-game. One of them degrades over time, however the other will only degrade through continued use of its special attack.Verac's Flail, a possible Barrows reward, degrades over the duration of its use in combat.Ivandis Flail is not degradable, however it willdegrade with the use of its special attack against Vyrewatch. The downside to this flail is that it requires quests' completion before it can be used (Legacy of Seergaze and previous quests in the sequence) and it is not as strong as Verac's Flail; this one being best used against Vyrewatch. Be warned: the Blisterwood weaponry is obsolete when compared to the Ivandis Flail, though there are currently no flails available composed of Blisterwood.