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Q: Why was the geocentric system accepted?
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Whose geocentric model of the solar system was accepted for 1400?

Claudius Ptolemy

When were Galileo's ideas accepted?

Yes. The geocentric system was long accepted. Briefly the geocentric system used the earth as the center of the universe, thus the sun and planets revolved around the earth as center of the universe. The geocentric system had religious implications of the earth as the seat of "God". The heliocentric system replaced the geocentric system in Copernicus' time, with the sun as the center. This challenged the religious concepts. The "geocentric" system is still accepted. Locating heavenly bodies still use the RA (Right Ascension) system which is geocentric. Leaving out the question of where "God" lives, the astronomical question is simplicity of astronomy calculations..

Whose geocentric model of the solar system was accepted for 1400 years?

Claudius Ptolemy

What is a geocentric model of your solar system?

A Geocentric model places Earth at the center of the Universe, with all of the stars and planets revolving around it. The most famous such model is that of Ptolemy. It stood as the accepted model until Copernicus was proven right by Galileo and Kepler.

Why is Uranus and Neptune not included in the heliocentric and geocentric model of the solar system?

The planets Uranus and Neptune were discovered only in modern times after the heliocentric model had been generally accepted.

Who challenged the geocentric model of the solar system?

Nicolaus Copernicus was the astronomer to challenge the geocentric model of the solar system.

Earth at the center of a series of concentric spheres?


What old belief about the universe did the new discoveries destroy?

they went against the long accepted geocentric theory.

Who contradicted the geocentric system?

The Heliocentric System. m.i.

What is the difference between the geocentric view and the heliocentric view?

Geocentric: Earth is center of the solar system. Heliocentric: Sun is the centre of the solar system.

Was Copernican in the heliocentric or geocentric system?

The proposed the heliocentric system.

Is Uranus in the heliocentric or the geocentric system?

Uranus is in the heliocentric system like all the other planets. The geocentric system is now only of interest historically. It wasn't correct.