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The invention of agriculture was important because it allowed for a more reliable and consistent food supply, leading to the development of settled societies and the growth of populations. It also enabled specialization of labor, the rise of complex social structures, and the advancement of technology and civilization.

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Q: Why was the invention of agriculture so important?
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Why do you think the invention of the plow so important to the Sumerians?

The invention of the plow was so important to the Sumerians because it helped farmers

What is agriculture why was the invention of agriculture important?

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products. The invention of agriculture was important because it allowed human societies to shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This led to increased food security, population growth, and the development of complex civilizations.

Why is agriculture important to the Mayans?

Agriculture was important to the Mayans because it provided food security for their growing population and supported their complex civilization. It allowed them to develop settlements, trade surplus goods, and engage in cultural practices. The Mayans relied on advanced farming techniques such as terracing, irrigation, and crop rotation to sustain their society.

How does the time line help you understand development of agriculture?

A timeline helps understand the development of agriculture by showing the chronological progression of key milestones, such as the transition from hunting and gathering to systematic farming, invention of tools like the plow, and domestication of crops and animals. It provides a visual representation of how agriculture has evolved over time, highlighting important innovations and practices that have shaped the way societies produce food.

What are discoveries besides farming that brought on the neolithic revolution?

Other discoveries that brought on the Neolithic Revolution include the development of pottery, weaving, the domestication of animals for agriculture and transport, and the practice of settled communities rather than nomadic lifestyles. These advancements allowed for the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture-based societies.

Related questions

Why do you think the invention of the plow so important to the Sumerians?

The invention of the plow was so important to the Sumerians because it helped farmers

What is agriculture why was the invention of agriculture important?

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products. The invention of agriculture was important because it allowed human societies to shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled farming communities. This led to increased food security, population growth, and the development of complex civilizations.

Why do think the invention of the plow was so important to the Sumerians?

The invention of the plow was so important to the Sumerians because it helped farmers

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The compass was an important invention because people knew where they were going !

Who was the the most dramatic change in agriculture in the South was the invention of the?

The most dramatic change in agriculture in the South was the invention of the cotton gin.

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Why was the invention of plow was so important to the Sumerians?

it was so important because people lived there

What was the condition of society before the invention of agriculture?

The society really struggled to feed itself before the invention of agriculture.Before the invention of agriculture, the condition of the society was really pathetic. Most people were hunters and gatherers.

Why was gunpowder such an important invention?

So you can fire a gun.

Would you say that voting is an invention or innovation?

By definition an innovation is an important invention, so yes, I would say so

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The real change in the Neolithic revolution was the?

invention of agriculture.