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Dangerous Dinosaur Locations Tyrannosaurus:Hell Creek, Montana Spinosaurus: Egypt Giganotosaurs: Pategonia, Argentina. There are many more species of dangerous dinosaur but these 3 were some of the most dangerous.

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The reason why the most dangerous dinosaur (T-Rex) was so dangerous was because:

  • It had razor sharp teeth that could go through any kind of bone
  • And it had powerful jaws that could also bite through anything what so ever
  • And as a youngling they have venomous saliva so that if they ever bite a predator bigger then them they could bite and there predator and they would die
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Well, really it would be the gigantosaurus but because some people don know about it they say T rex. Dont belive me? look it up

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It's hard to say, as dinosaurs are no longer with us. However, one dinosaur (Sinornithosaurus) has been suspected to have been venomous, and as a modern day dangerous animal (Asian cobra) kills around 4,000 people each year, this could have been a very dangerous animal.

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What is the root of the word dinosaur?

The root of the word "dinosaur" comes from the Greek words "deinos" meaning "terrible" or "fearfully great" and "sauros" meaning "lizard." Together, they describe the large prehistoric reptiles known for their size and dominance.