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The national trade union movement was important because it united workers to better working conditions for themselves. This includes wage negotiations, new work rules, and safety in workplace policies. The national trade union movement also had a political impact as well.

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Labor unions protect the worker. They make sure the worker is paid for the skills he or she has, that it is equal pay for equal work, they have on the job safety, that they are given overtime if they work more than 8 hours, that they are given breaks and lunch/dinner break in the work day, that they are protected from abuses by the employer, that they are given health and other benefits, that the employer follows state and federal regulations, that they are protected from discrimination or retaliation for reporting abuse/breaking the law, that work conditions meet a standard for providing for heat/cooling/bathrooms/drinking fountains/lunchrooms/breakrooms. These things came about because many companies before unions ( some still do without union workers) abused the workers. One case in the 1920's was a shirt factory where the workers were chained shut into the building and a fire broke out. The workers couldn't get out of the building because the doors were locked. There have been cases where workers were not allowed to go to the bathroom by a supervisor and if they did they were fired.

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samuel gompers

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because it is

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Q: Why was the American Federation of labor important?
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Why was American federation of labor important?

samuel gompers

Samuel gomper was president of which labor organization?

Samuel Gompers was the chairman of the Federation of Trades and Labour Unions at its foundation in 1881. The Federation became the American Federation of Labor five years later, and Gompers was duly elected its president.

Who founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1886?

Samuel Gompers founded the AFL (American Federation of Labor)

What is the labor organizations was the last to be organized?

The American Federation of Labor (afl) was organized as an association of trade unions in 1886.

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American Federation of Labor was created on 1886-12-08.

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American Federation of Labor ended in 1955.

What did Samuel Gompers invent?

Samuel Gompers established the American Federation of Labor. Gompers was the best known spokesman for labor unions as well as the general class. He made speeches encouraging prosperity through cooperation between labor and businesses.

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The American Federation of Labor

American Federation of Labor was established when?

in 1881.

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American Federation of Labor

How did the American Federation of Labor view strikes?

The American Federation of Labor is known for helping to end problems amongst unions. When strikes and other problems threaten to split unions apart, the American Federation of Labor will step in to help find mediums for both parties to work with.

Who led the American Federation of Labor?

Samuel Gompers