

Why was the reason of the black death?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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black death was caused by Yersinia pestis bacterium. It spread by rats and fleas.

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To kill the remaining living viruses and bacteria.

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the name came from the black bubble like things you would get in your armpit. that was the first symptom.

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During the black death could people who had the plague pass it on to others?

Yes. It was passed to others and that is one reason it was so deadly.

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

When the black death happened?

the black death started in 1347

Did russia get the black death?

yes, black death was spread in whole Europe. Russia also got black death.

Why was the European plague known as the Black Plague?

Roaches gave deadly disease to rats, rats gave to people, people gave to other people. The European plague was called the Black Death because lymph nodes would become swollen and then die. They would be black so this plague was called the Black Death for this reason. Rats carried fleas, the fleas carried the microbe that caused black death in them and when they bit they passed it on to people.

What sickness caused the death of almost one fourth of Europe's population in the 1300s?

The black death killed 1 3rd of Europe's populations in the 1300's.