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After a promising start of reforms, he suffered an illness which deranged his mind. A consortium of the Praetorian Guard, Senators and Equestrians had him stabbed to death to end his escalating rampages.

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Q: Why was the reign of ancient Roman Emperor Caligula cut short?
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Caligula, the Roman emperor known for his extravagant and eccentric behavior, is said to have attempted to make his horse, named Incitatus, a consul. While there are different accounts and debates about the historical accuracy of this claim, it is often cited as an example of Caligula's madness and excesses during his reign.

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No. Caligula Gaius was emperor between A.D. 37-41. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus (27 B.C.- A.D. 14) and conducted His ministry during the reign of Tiberius (A.D. 14-37).

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The reign of Augustus was known as the golden age.

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Christianity became the official religion of the empire during the reign of emperor Theodosius I.

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The fall of the last Roman emperor in the west was in 476 AD.

Under which Roman Emperor did Christ enter history?

Christ was born during the reign of Augustus and died in the reign of Tiberius.