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Q: Why was the religious right upset with some of president reagans supreme court appomitments?
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Why was the religious right upset with some of the president reagans supreme court appointments?

They upheld a woman's right to have an abortion They struck down a school prayer law

Why was the religious right upset with some of president reagans supreme court appointments?

They upheld a woman's right to have an abortion They struck down a school prayer law

What was the result of reagans and bush's appointment to the supreme court?

to make the supreme court more conservative

How did the supreme change as a result of Ronald reagans presidency?

The Supreme Court became more conservative during Ronald Reagan's presidency.

Why was the religious right upset with some of president Reagan's supreme courts appointments?

They ruled in favor of gay rights

Why was the Religious Right upset with some of President Reagan's Supreme Court appointments ?

they supported womens rights to have an abortion -

Why was religious right upset with some of president Reagan's supreme court appointments?

they supported womens rights to have an abortion -

Why was the religious right upset with some of president Reagan supreme court appointments?

they supported womens rights to have an abortion -

What is true of Reagans interaction with the Supreme Court during his presidency?

Reagan was known for appointing only justices who were politically conservative.

How did the new right feel about reagans choices for the supreme court?

disappointed, because the judges did not reverse all liberal decisions

Why was the religious right upset with some of the president Reagan supreme court appointment?

They struck down a school prayer law- APEX

Why was the religious right upset with some of president reagan’s supreme court appointments?

They ruled in favor of gay rights