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Q: Why was the result of the Copenhagen accord noted as a hopeful sign for the future?
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It is not clear why a dividend which is a fraction should result in a mixed number of any kind. In any case, being hopeful will not help you to get an answer.

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Dude, I think your chances are slim. I've researched in internet on the topic and the result is not very hopeful. And, don't do anything stupid like shooting your foot.

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Saltationism. Called the " hopeful monster " theory. Long refuted. Mutation is the grist to the mill of natural selection but in and of itself will not result in new species.

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The Honda Accord timing belt should be changed every 75,000 miles. Failure to change the belt on the appropriate time schedule can result in immediate engine failure.

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The timing belt on a 2000 Honda Accord should be changed every 75,000 miles. Failure to change at the appropriate time can result in engine failure.

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Events in which country provoked the strongest divisions between Federalists and Republicans?

it was France; result was the Franco-American Accord of 1800

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The prognosis (Greek for knowing the future)

Where can one find information about future shope?

Unfortunately there was no "Future Shope" in the search result. However, there was "Future Shop" which one can check to find more information. And those are Future Shop exciting stuff and Future Shop on Store Locator website.

What was the result of the battle of Tippacanoe?

The lasting result was a catchy campaign song, Tip and Ty for a future President of the United States. Otherwise it was a temporary set back for the Indian Confederacy, and not the massive defeat claimed by Future President William Harrison.