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Much like the invention of the helicopter, the earliest torpedoes are thought to have existed as concepts many centuries before being developed as working devices. The earliest known description of what might be called a torpedo is found in the work of Syrian engineer Hassan al-Rammah in 1275. His works show illustrations of a rocket-propelled device that appears to have been designed to move on the surface of water.[1]


What we now call a torpedo - a self-propelled, self-contained, unmanned device capable of maintaining a set depth and course, with an explosive warhead attached - was first practicallyproduced by Englishman Robert Whitehead, in 1867-68, while working for the Austrian government. That is, Whitehead solved the remaining issues in creating such a weapon, and produced what we today would call the first functional torpedo.

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14y ago

Future Russian Admiral Makarov successfully fired the first under water self propelled torpedo in combat against the Turks in about 1877. Admiral Makarov later was killed in 1904 when his battleship struck a mine in the Yellow Sea during the Russian-Japanese War.

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14y ago

To sink ships. They're better than guns; guns destroy the upper works, torpedoes fill the hulls with ocean. Remember...AIR doesn't sink ships; WATER does!

Today, the primary use of the torpedo is against submarines. Missiles are used against surface ships as they have much longer ranges and are faster and more maneuverable than torpedoes. This makes them harder to evade and ships don't have to be within sight of each other to be effective.

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12y ago

What we recognize today as a "torpedo" - a self-propelled, self-contained underwater weapon with an explosive warhead - had its first practical design made by Robert Whitehead, and English engineer working for the Austrian government, around 1866. Whitehead's design built on several preceding ideas, but his was the first to produce a practical weapon which required no external controls, was self-propelled, and could maintain proper depth control.

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12y ago

McClintock invented the Bangalore Torpedo

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