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Q: Why was wounded knee important in us history?
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What is important about the battle of wounded knee?

the thing that is important about it is that it was a Sioux battle with US troops and was very well known about.

What was the last armed conflict to take place between native Americans and us army?

Wounded Knee

Who won the Battle of Wounded Knee?

You mean the Massacre at Wounded Knee. There was no battle. The US army killed men, women and children.

Who won the wounded knee battle?

You mean the Massacre at Wounded Knee. There was no battle. The US Army killed men, women and children.

Is bury my heart at wounded knee is the native american equivalent of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

yes its main target is the injustises of the US government towards these people the only difference is uncle tom's cabin is a narrative story, Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee is a history

What was the site where more than 100 fleeing indians were killed by the us troops?

Sand creek massacare

What event was the armed American Indian resistance to us rule?

the wounded knee

Who contributed to the Wounded Knee Massacre?

The US government attacked the Native Americans.

Why was the Battle of Wounded Knee important?

Wounded Knee was a slaughter of Sioux Indians who had agreed to go onto Reservation land. They were unarmed or in the process of turning over their weapons when the attack happened. There is speculation that a gun accidentally firing triggered it rather than malicious intent initiated it. Little Bird - a baby girl was the only survivor. Wounded Knee was brought to the attention of the American people by the book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". The details of this slaughter by the US Calvary must be taken in its complete picture of history. Stealing Native American lands was wrong but at the time deemed necessary by the US Government. Looking back sees no peaceful conclusion to the demise of Native Americans. The US would not be the country it is now if the American push west was hampered by the Native Americans.

What is wounded knee?

there was the wounded knee massacre in 1890 or the seige at wounded knee whichis where Combined activists of AIM and hundreds of Sioux took over Wounded Knee in an occupation that lasted 71 days. Wounded Knee is located on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota and is very significant because of the 1890 massacre that happened there. There was a lot of tension on the reservation and a lot of problems such as alcoholism, unemployment, suicides and murders, and the corruption of the Bureau of Indians Affairs and the tribal council. The U.S. military and government surrounded Wounded Knee the same day.

What was the last armed conflict to take between the native Americans and the US army?

Wounded Knee

Was the US Army 8th cavalry stationed in Montana at the time involved with the wounded knee massacre?

No it was not.