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So far as I have been able to determine, once a definitive method was decided upon for gas chamber executions, Zyklon B was the agent of choice. The sole exception is Sobibor, where, (again, so far as I can determine) the carbon monoxide method was used until the camp was shut down, most likely because all the equipment was already in place, and there was no sense in implementing an expensive changeover.

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Q: Why wasn't Zyklon B used at all death camps?
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What is zyklon B?

Zyklon B is (or was) a trademark for hydrocyanic acid, or prussic acid, which is Blausäure in German, hence the B.It was used as a poison gas in some Nazi extermination camps, mainly Auschwitz and Majdanek.

What poisonous pellets were used in the concentration camps?

Zyklon B

What gasses were the Jews killed with?

Zyklon B in some camps but most camps used carbon monoxide

What chemical was used to kill the Jews during the Holocaust?

Zyklon-B, an industrial-strength pesticide, was poured through openings in the roofs of the gas chambers. When exposed to air, Zyklon-B gives off a highly toxic gas. The Allies found millions upon millions of empty Zyklon-B containers when they raided the death camps. Diesel engine exhausts were also used, either in the "showers" or in gas vans that they transported Jews to the site in.

In the movie Schindler's List what does Zyklon B mean?

Zyklon B is the name of the most widely-used nerve gas employed in the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. It was placed in the gas chambers in solid tablet form, which changed into gas upon contact with water to cause convulsive death to anyone who inhaled it.

What was the name of the gases they used to kill people in the concentration camps?

gas derived from prussic acid and known by the brand name Zyklon-B.

What was Zyklon B in Auschwitz?

No, the only camps to use ZyklonB were Auschwitz and Majdanek. The other camps, including Trelinka, used carbon monoxide.

What gases did the Germans use to kill the Jews in the Holocaust?

The Germans used Zyklon B for killing people in the concentration camps.

What kind of agent is used in the gas chamber for training?

You may want to change your question to the past tense unless you are talking about gas chambers today which uses a chlorine KZs they used Zyklon B which is a rat poison. --- Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide) was used at Auschwitz-Birkenau and at Majdanek. The other extermination camps used carbon monoxide. Some smaller camps, such as Stutthof, also used Zyklon B.

Where did pesticide come from?

The first pesticides were probably phytotoxins, chemicals produced by plants to discourage insect infestation. The term "pesticide" simply describes how a chemical is used, not what it's made of. For example, the infamous Zyklon-B that the Nazis used in their death camps was manufactured as a pesticide.

How did the Nazis manipulate technology to contribute to the persecution of the Jews?

A few examples: they used modern transport methods to send the Jews to death camps. They used modern communications to spread anti-Semitic propaganda. And they used modern chemistry and labs to manufacture the Zyklon B poison gas.

What was used in the concentration camp for the final solution?

Zyklon B was used as a poison gas to kill the prisoners and their remains were then cremated in the crematoriums. Many corpses were burned in mass graves. Many inmates literally worked themselves to death, they were all slowly being starved to death and many died from dysentery and other illnesses spread throughout the camps.