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Q: Why wasn't the technique of perspective were not considered beautiful during this time period?
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Why wasn't the technique of perspective?

The technique of perspective wasn't used in art before the Renaissance because artists did not have a systematic way to represent depth and spatial relationships accurately. It was only during the Renaissance that artists like Filippo Brunelleschi and Leonardo da Vinci developed the mathematical principles of perspective, allowing artists to create more realistic and lifelike representations of space on a two-dimensional surface.

What complexion was considered beautiful during the Heian period?

Very white faces. They also thought tiny red mouths were beautiful. They shaved their natural eyebrows and painted fake ones on up higher to be considered beautiful.

What new technique did artists use during renaissance what did it do?

Renaissance artists used value and perspective to make their paintings look more realistic and dynamic and life like

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Pizarro's exploration is generally considered successful from the european perspective, however he was killed during it.

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His primary technique was purely fear. This is shown in Stalin's Great Purge which "purged" anyone they considered dangerous by persecuting anyone who were considered suspicious. During 1937 and 1938, 1000 people on average were executed everyday.

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Match each of these periods of ancient Greek art with the technique that was developed during that period.?

Artchaic: Black-figure pottery. Classical: frieze carving. Hellenistic: linear perspective. (.apex)

What was a new technique in painting during the Italian renaissance?

The use of perspective, or depth, in the paintings. Instead of paintings being all flat and without real proportion, they began making objects in the back of the painting much smaller and objects in the front larger.

What is the sense of perspective in Egyptian painting?

There was no perspective in Egyptian paintings because it wasn't invented yet. Perspective was only used during and after the Renaissance time in the 14th century.

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