

Why wasnt hillary rodham Clinton tried for treason?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why wasnt hillary rodham Clinton tried for treason?
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Hillary Clinton says in her book that she tried to enlist in the Marines but was rebuffed due to her age, eyesight, and gender.

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Because she did not get everything she tried to get the first time when she left the White House as she got caught and had to return a lot of loot... IMHO

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Jonathon Dayton was arrested for treason in 1807. He was indicted but never tried.

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No, it did not get passed by congress. In 1993, President Bill Clinton, assisted by his wife, First Lady Hillary Clinton, tried to promote a health care reform plan. But it proved very unpopular and the two were ultimately forced to abandon any efforts to get health care reform passed.

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Anything he wanted them to do. If they refused, they could be tried for treason depending on what they refused. Treason is a crime that had the penalty of death.

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Who was tried for treason for his vague intrigues concerning Louisiana?

D. Aaron Burr

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The charge is treason

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he killed ,stole and other things!>>>>> he;s a terrible person and he was crazy like napoleon.he had a job that was used to apply to the none to man things like ropeing...