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Q: Why wasnt this theory accepted by his peers?
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When was the plate tectonics theory accepted?

it wasnt accepted. Wegener's theory of continetal drift wasnt accepted. the theory of plate tectonics was created when scientists discovered about sea floor spreading and magnetic reversals. but i dont know when the theory of plate tectonics was created. so you can ask about that.

Why wasnt Charles Darwin's monkey theory accepted?

All revolutionary new scientific theories are met with some initial criticism. Testing, discoveries, and circumstantial evidence sometimes make them almost universally accepted.

What is the accepted theory of speciation?

Caralous linnaeus theory is accepted theory of speciation

How was rap perceived when it first came out?

it wasnt accepted as music

When was the darninim theory of evolution accepted?

The theory of evolution was accepted by scientists in 1859, Darwin's first book was published the same year that his theory was accepted.

Why was Darwin's theory of evolution accepted?

His theory was accepted because the premise was sound, the method of natural selection was convincing and the evidence for the theory was overwhelming.

What is an accepted explanation of facts?

That means that most people would agree to it.

Why is cell theory still accepted today?

cell theory is accepted today because it is a unit of living organism.

Was the theory of Albert Wegener accepted during his lifetime?

No, not until later was this theory proven and supplemented by the theory of plate tectonics.

What is the hypothesis that is accepted as correct?

a theory

Criminal activity where family and peers are primary influences is called?

labeling theory

What is a theory that is accepted as true and has been tested many times?
