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A watch with a second hand is more desirable than one without for several different reasons actually, but mostly for accuracy, and it is how we measure the time of day in hours, minutes and seconds.

A). Depending on the quality of craftsmanship, watches with second hands tend to keep better time than ones that don't simply due to the gearing ratio needed to operate the second hand feature. They have more gears which allows for a greater control of speed and pace thus improving accuracy.

B). The second hand is also a useful function when checking a person pulse, or

determining the winner of a race when it's too close for the eye to judge. Some competitions now are won on a fraction of a second.

C). Our days start at 24 hours and counting. As the day progresses those hours are broken down into 60 minutes to one hour, and then 60 seconds to one minute. Without the second hand, a count down would be impossible to complete in real time.

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