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The silencer is very sad and the water drops are its tears.

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Q: Why water drops fall from silencer of car?
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Where is engine?

The engine can be in the front or the back of the car.

What are the internal and external parts of a car?

I think the internal parts of a car is the inside of the car for example engineand external parts of a car are the outer parts of the cars which can easily be seen for example doors, windows, bonnet and many other things.

How marine engine works?

The "engine" part of a marine engine is the same as any other kind of engine. The difference is the cooling system, and there are two kinds: raw water and enclosed. Raw water systems are used on outboards and small pleasure boats with inboard engines. The engine's water pump sucks water out of the lake, runs it through the engine and puts it back in the lake. This works with a minimum of parts, until you get into boats that run in salt water. Would YOU want ocean water running through your engine? Neither would yachtsmen with expensive diesels. The enclosed cooling system uses a heat exchanger. There's a tank on the boat with a radiator in it. The engine pumps coolant through the radiator just like it would the radiator on a car. A second pump pulls water out of the ocean and feeds it into the tank to cool the radiator. There's more maintenance in this system (you have to be sure saltwater scale isn't blocking the heat exchanger and you've got more water pumps to deal with) but it is more reliable than feeding raw water into the engine.

What makes a ratteling noise in a car?

There are a number of causes for a rattling noise that occurs in a car. These include low oil and an engine that is faulty or going out.

Why is a car a good example of a mechanical system?

Well a car has the motor, the belt, the wheels, the battery, alternator's, spark plugs, transmission, fuel injection, pistons, crank shaft, cam, and all the other things that work together to keep a car running properly

Related questions

Car silencer is on right or left?


What is the function of a middle silencer of a car?

To reduce exhaust noise.

Why Silencer ammo?

The ammunition (bullets) is not silenced. A silencer is a device that is placed on the end of the gun barrel to absorb and smother the sound of the explosion when a bullet is fired. It is similar in principle to the silencer system on a car engine, without a silencer the noise from the engine would be deafening.

How do you repair black smoke from your car silencer?

Replace the air filter

What is the white stuff inside a car silencer and its uses when removed?

There is no "white stuff" in a silencer/muffler, unless you mean fiberglass packing. It has no use when removed.

Where is the oxygen sensor on a clio?

Under the car on the front exhaust silencer box.

Which property of water causes drops on a freshly waxed car?

This phenomenon is called surface tension.

Which property of water causes water drops to bead on s freshly waxed car?

Water molecules are sticky due to hydrogen bonds

Why is there drops of water coming from your tailpipe when you start your car?

Its water in the gasoline mixture. When the car is first started, the engine temperature is not high enough to evaporate the water in the gas, so the water travels out the exhaust pipe

Why doesn't it rain if you leave water in your car and it evaporates?

Assuming the water vapour remains in the car, when the temperature outside the car drops below the dewpoint, the water loaded air closest to the car surfaces (the glass is the first being so thin compared to other parts) from the inside becomes saturated with water vapour and starts to "reject" the water which we see as condensation. As soon as this starts to happen, due to diffusion, the air no longer remains saturated and the temperature must drop further for the new concentration of water vapour. In my opinion, for rain to fall in the car, the ambient inside must cool from the inside out.

Can a car go without exhaust silencer?

yes can go but it creates much noise....

Why are water drops coming from under the car even hours after its been driven with little or no ac on?

A/C shouldn't "sweat" if it's not used. check the drops more closely, they might be antifreeze.