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because God is the perfect being.

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Q: Why we the people are created in God's image and likeness?
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What does it mean to be created in gods own image and likeness?

That we are very much like him, only we are very sinful.

The value and worth that comes from being made in gods image and likeness is human?


What responsibilities do you have since you were created in gods image and likeness?

To uphold the glory of God by saying that I mean live by the Ten Commandments and bring honour and glory to his glorious name

What did enlil mean by saying before this you were just a a man but now you and your wife shall be gods?

because from that moment they began to carry the mark of the gods, made in his image and likeness

What does God's creation of women from the rib of man mean?

because adams ribs were created in gods image so that eve and her ancestors will be in the likeness of god ..... even a two year could write this im 9 years old...... this is a dumb qeustion...J.M.J

What are some views about Islamic art and Islam?

Islamic art does not represent humans as they believe humans are created in gods image and by drawing humans you are trying to recreate gods image.

If truth is based in god we are created in gods image we are all capable of truth?

I would say that we are all capable of truth whether or not we are created in God's image.

How does the gods create Enkidu in the story of Gilgamesh?

Nintu created him out of clay in the image of Anu

Who was Adam designed to resemble?

he was made in Gods image so he was designed to resemble God

If men and women are made in gods image does that mean god is a hermaphrodite?

No, because God isn't physical. Being in God's image refers to our soul, our conscience, our self-awareness. See also:Can you show that God exists?

What are the three reasons of Gods love to us?

Because to know Himself he created us as His reflection, in His image.

What are the images of God in the Bible?

Genesis 1 verse 26 says we are the created in gods own image.