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Q: Why we use of capillary tube in detetmination boiling point?
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If the boiling point is recorded when the bubbles are rapidly escaping the capillary tube will it be recorded too high or low?

it will be too low

What is another name for a test tube?

another name for test tube is culture tube or sample tube

What is Siwoloboff method - slide6?

Siwoloboff's method is a method used to establish the boiling point-composition curve of a binary system. It is particularly well adopted for the determination of boiling points of small samples of pure liquids and of mixtures. In this method, the open end of a short capillary tube (sealed at the other end) is immersed in the liquid under investigation. The tube serves as a manometer to determine the temperature at which the vapor pressure ofthe liquid is equal to the pressure of the atmosphere (boiling point definition)

The height of a liquid in a capillary tube is not dependent on?

the height of a capillary tube is not dependent on

What steps can you take to determine the melting point of a substance that sublimes before it melts?

In such cases the melting point determination must be performed in a sealed capillary tube to avoid loss of sample. This can be achieved by heating the open end of the capillary tube, and with tweezers forcing it shut.

Why mercury falls in capillary tube?

because,the adhesive force of mercury in more compared to the cohesive force which acts on a capillary tube. that's why mercury falls in capillary tube

Why do you use a new capillary tube for melting point determination each time?

It is not easy to be cleaned inside.

Why can't we reuse a capillary tube to determine the melting point for a second time?

ur muff cabbage

Why is capillary tube fixed in Ostwalds viscometer?

The capillary tube is fixed in the Ostwalds viscometer is for passing the liquid.

Blood leaves the capillary thorugh a tube called a?

Blood leaves a capillary through a venule, a small vein. At that point, the blood is making its journey back towards the heart.

Excess superheat in a capillary tube system means that there is?

excess superheat in a capillary tube systems means that there is ______ charge

What is the function of capillary tube?

The capillary tube is used on the inside of the refrigerators. It is a long copper tubing that is used as a thruster.