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Ceres, Eris (formerly UB313) and Pluto are dwarf planets. Charon is Pluto's largest moon. The change in planetary classification was made in August, 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), and the dwarf planets are defined as non-satellite Sun-orbiting bodies that do not "clear out their (planetary) neighborhood" as major planets do. As of January, 2009, the five dwarf planets include these 3 plus 2 more Kuiper Belt Objects, Haumea and Makemake.

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Q: Why were Ceres and Pluto identified as the first dwarf planet?
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Is Jupiter a planet or a dwarf-planet?

No. Jupiter is not a dwarf planet. Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Hauma are dwarf planets.

Which planet was consider as a dwarf planet?

Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

What is an example of a dwarf planet?

Pluto, Xena, Ceres are some examples of dwarf planets.

Is Ceres a plutoid?

Ceres and Pluto are both considered to be 'dwarf planets.' There are roughly half a dozen recognized dwarf planets in our solar system. Pluto, originally recognized as the ninth planet, was 'downgraded' a few years ago from planet to dwarf planet.

Is Makemake in front of Pluto?

No, the only dwarf planet closer to the Sun than Pluto is Ceres.

Is dwarf planet Ceres a gas or rocky planet?

No. Ceres, which used to be considered an asteroid, was recategorized as a "dwarf planet" in 2006, about the same time that Pluto was. Ceres is a small rocky body, the biggest in the asteroid belt.

Which planet is now called a dwarf planet?

In 1853 Vesta, Juno, Ceres and Pallas were demoted from planets to minor planets, and in 2006 Pluto was demoted from planet to dwarf planet.

Is Ceres going to be a planet in the solar system in the place of planet Pluto?

No, it was also reclassified as a dwarf planet.

Is Ceres the biggest dwarf planet?

Not any more. Pluto now has that distinction.

What planet and dwarf planet is closest to the sun?

Ceres is the closest dwarf planet to the sun. Ceres is in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The other dwarf planets are out past the orbit of Neptune.

Which of the planets is now a dwarf planet?

Both Pluto and Ceres were once planets and are now dwarf planets.keok12diefbuqthep

What is the name of the dwarf planets in the solar system?

Their are more than 3 dwarf planets. Some of the famous ones are Pluto and Ceres.the three dwarf planets are Ceres Pluto and ErisThe three dwarf palnets are Pluto, Eris, and CeresPluto, Eris, and Ceres