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Darwin's publications of the Origin of the Species triggered controversy because his theories openly negated the earlier accepted Biblical or religious teachings on the origin of mankind.

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Q: Why were Darwin's publications of the origin of species controversy?
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How are Dobzhansky and Mayr's ideas about the origin of species similar to Darwins?

They thought the evolution of new species is linked to environmental changes

How are Dobzhansky and mayr's idea about the origin of species similar to Darwins?

They thought the evolution of new species is linked to environmental changes

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They thought the evolution of new species is linked to environmental changes

What was the name of Charles Darwins' famous book?

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What year was Darwins origin of species published?

He pubished his book in 1859.

What was the name of Darwins book about evolution?

Charles Darwin's wrote two books the first was called Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and the second was Charles Darwin's the origin of mammal

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On Origin of Species is his most famous work, and this is the book most commonly discussed when speaking about Darwin.He had several books however, some of which were fairly controversial.

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What were darwins views about the origin of species before he sailed on the beagle?

Prior to sailing on the Beagle, Darwin was yet to observe different species of animals and plants in different regions. The observations were valuable in conceptualizing evolution. Before the voyage, Darwin believed that species were confined to different geographical locations, but ideas of species adaptation and evolution were nonexistent.

What is the name of the famoustext that first explained evolution?

The answer you are looking for is "The Origin of Species" the edition of Charles Darwins, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" intended for layed publication. This is however not the first book suggesting that life evolves, such ideas can be traced back to around 450 B.C.E. to Aristotle's "scala naturae".

What did Charles Darwin work out?

Darwin originated the idea that living things evolve by the means of natural selection. He discovered that species change over time and that they adapt to their habitats. He wrote the Origin of the Species, which caused a lot of controversy.