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Q: Why were Egyptians buried with so many types of objects?
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Where Did The Egyptians bury there the dead?

One of the places where a lot of the dead are buried are in the pyramids. This is the system the Egyptians used to bury their dead.

Why were Shang aristocrats buried with many objects?

so they were not bored in the afterlife>

How many do you have to grab to be sure you have 2 of the same?

If you have 2 different types of objects, you have to grab 3.If you have 3 different types of objects, you have to grab 4.If you have n different types of objects, you have to grab n+1.

Who was the first person to be put in a sarcophagus?

Mostly Egyptian Pharaoh's were buried in sarcophagi.

Why does the sims 3 have futuristic objects?

Why shouldn't it have futuristic objects? There are different types/styles of objects to suit as many tastes as possible.

Where did the Egyptian bury the dead?

the egyptians buried their dead under ground like we do but it was only a few pharoahs that were able to be mummified and put in pyramids. there was also the valley of the kings where many of the pharoahs of Egypt were buried.

What did sacrifice and after life mean to the egyptians?

They believed that the afterlife would bring them true happiness by getting riches and power. That is why when they were first buried the did not have many things with them but in their afterlife they have things such as gold and jewelry. Although the more lesser cultured and financially inept Egyptians were not buried with riches the more wealthy Egyptians were entombed with slaves, spices, foods, gold, gems, and even there animals.

Was the valley of the kings religious?

Yes, it was where the ancient Egyptians buried their Kings (who in life were worshipped as living gods). Also, in addition to the normal pomp and circumstance that their funerals had there were many religious ceremonies. Finally their tombs contained pictures, hieroglyphics and objects of a religious nature deemed necessary to help them in their afterlife

What breads did ancient egyptians eat?

They ate wholemeal bread, made by many different types of wheat.

What is inside the Egyptians pyramids?

some of the pyramids had many treasures of gold and silver that was buried with the Pharaoh when he or she died, most of the pyramids have now been plundered to nothingness.

How many types are there in java?

The two basic data types in Java are primitives and objects. Primitives: byte, char, short, int, long, float, double, boolean Objects: Everything else.

How many data types are there in PHP?

The data types are grouped into this categories: Booleans Integers Floating point numbers Strings Arrays Objects