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Q: Why were Europeans so eager to explore the world?
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Why did Europeans want to explore the world in the 1400s-1500s?

Europeans wanted to explore the world so that they could gain wealth

Why were so many Europeans eager to fight?

The answer to your question depends on the time you are asking about. If will clarify the question we can answer it.

Why Thomas Jefferson eager for Lewis and Clark to explore the west?

Thomas Jefferson was so eager because he wanted to move his settlers in that area before anyone else has.

Why was Thomas Jefferson eager for Lewis and Clark to explore west?

Thomas Jefferson was so eager because he wanted to move his settlers in that area before anyone else has.

The Chinese were eager to trade with europeans because their goods were far superior to those in china correct?

No they wanted to trade with Japan So It is false.

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Why were Europeans so eager to gain control over Africa?

Europeans were testing with Social Darwinism, the belief that one race is superior over others. They also wanted the resources and labor from Africa, as well as the opportunity to spread Christianity and explore the interior of Africa.

Why was Thomas Jefferson eager for Lewis and Clark to explore the West?

he wanted to explore the west and expand the united states

What kinds of new technology enabed europeans to explore the world?

Europeans had a long history of naval travel going back to the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. During the Renaissance ship building technology improved, so Europeans could explore places they'd never been before.

Why are Europeans so set on conquering the world?

I wasn't aware that they were. Have you been there lately?

Why was Henry Hudson voyage so important?

he helped his company explore the world

What was the major reason so many Native Americans died after the first Europeans arrived in the New World?

Small pox. The natives had no resistence to diseases the europeans carried to the new world.