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the native Americans were on reservations or had moved West. They were not available in the South.

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Blaze Welch

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Q: Why were Africans used as slaves instead of Native Americans?
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Where were Native Americans held as slaves in the early 1800's?

Native Americans were not slaves. They were killed or removed from native lands to reservations, but never slaves. The only slaves were the Africans that were bought and sold.

What group of slaves was used before Africans?

Mostly Native Americans and native cubans

What caused Europeans to Africans over native Americans as slaves?

Native Americans were smarter than Africans. The Native Americans would have wanted to work for wages, food, shelter, and other needs. Where Africans would only ask for freedom to beleive in what ever religon that they wanted to beleive in.

Why did the europeans in the west indies used africans rather then native Americans as slaves?

Europeans used Africans as slaves in the West Indies for several reasons, including resistance by Native Americans, higher immunity of Africans to diseases, cultural differences, and the availability of Africans through the transatlantic slave trade. Native Americans were also more likely to escape due to their knowledge of the land.

Why did the Spanish and Portage's want African slaves instead of using captured Native Americans as slaves?

Africans were seen as more physically capable of enduring the labor-intensive work required in plantations and mines compared to Native Americans, who were more susceptible to European diseases. Additionally, African slaves were unfamiliar with the land and less likely to escape due to the language barrier, making them a more profitable choice for colonization.

What was the social status of African Americans and native Americans just after the countries of America win their independence?

slaves or freemen for africans. indians had no status

Why were Native Americans and Africans made slaves?

Native Americans and Africans were enslaved due to the European demand for labor in their colonies. The exploitation of these groups was driven by economic interests, as slave labor was seen as essential for profitable agriculture and other industries in the Americas. The racist ideology of the time also played a significant role in justifying the enslavement of these populations.

Why did the pilgrims not use Indians or Africans?

The pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts, which was too cold for the plantation crops that "required" African slaves and which lacked the natural resources that required overworked Native Americans to mine. They did not avoid using Africans or Native Americans out of charity.

Was the Native Americas used as slaves in North America's?

They were but they did not make good slaves. The purchace of Africans from the Africans gave better slaves.

Why did the English pick Africans for slaves instead of Native Americans?

The English chose Africans for slavery over Native Americans due to factors such as immunity to Old World diseases, perceived cultural differences that made it easier to justify enslavement, and the availability of Africans through the transatlantic slave trade. The Atlantic slave trade became a profitable and entrenched system that supplied the demand for labor in the Americas.

Why did europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than native Americans-?

Because Africans were strangers to the Americans, so they wouldn't have allies or places to hide. Additionally, the Native Americans had much weaker immune systems than Africans because Africans had developed around the same livestock that Europeans had. This made the Africans more disease resistant. Africans were also able to put up with muich more abuse, on average, than Native Americans without fainting or dying.

What resulted from the overworking and deaths of Native Americans in Spanish Colonies?

The importation of millions of Africans as slaves. Africans were thought be be sturdier and better able to withstand hard work in a tropical climate.