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Supportive steel frames were developed .

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Q: Why were architects able to build skyscrapers?
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How much money does an architect who builds skyscrapers earn a year?

Architects don't "build" skyscrapers, they design them. Give credit where credit is due, IronWorkers build skyscrapers.

Which blind insects build skyscrapers?

Termites are able to build towers as high as a giraffe.

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Steel changed people's lives by making possible?

Steel made it possible to build Skyscrapers. Answer "construction of skyscrapers"

What does an architect build?

Nothing, Architects design, builders build!!!

Why don't skyscrapers get blown over?

Skyscrapers contain large central pillars that extend all the way underground. In addition these pillars are joined to strong cement foundation under the ground that prevents them from sliding around.

Why are termites known as natures architects?

i think termites are known as architects because of the structures they build to live in

Who helps build places?

Builders. carpenters, architects

How many architects does it take to build a house?

The number or architects needed to build a house depends on the specification of the plan and how detailed and complex the home is going to be- most can be done with just one or two, but bigger projects may need many architects.

Architects and builders were brought to Timbuktu to build?

Architects and builders were brought to Timbuktu to construct public buildings, mosques, and libraries

What are some areas that an architect can study or specialize in?

Aspiring architects can specialize in landscaping, municipal buildings, schools, skyscrapers, & residential buildings just to name a few.

What three inventions help build skyscrapers?

The electric elevator, water pressure, and steel.