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They weren't, that's the whole lesson of the Holocaust. There is no perfect race. That was an ego-centric illusion that led to the deaths of millions of people, a group that might have included men and women who would have found new medical cures, expanded scientific frontiers, written classic novels or otherwise changed the world for the better. Hitler was a horrible, horrible man. He was also, what I find, very uneducated.His favorite movies were Godzilla and Snow white.He also thought blue eye blond hair people were ideal Germans... :( you know that people with blonde hair and blue eyes arent necissarialy "germans" we are also norweigans....-_-

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He probably considered the blonde hair and blue eyes "perfect" because brown eyes were common, and so was brown hair. Although Hitler had brown eyes and brown hair himself.

He's just a loser.

All people are beautiful, he just didn't know that. He wanted to exterminate anyone who he didnt think was perfect. In this case, it was dark eyed people.

Lots of beautiful people have dark eyes and dark hair:

~ Jessica Alba

~Shakira (her hair WAS brown)

~Vanessa Hudgens

~Selena Gomez


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Q: Why did Hitler that Blonde hair and Blue eyes was the perfect race?
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They didn't do anything to Hitler or Germany. Hitler wanted to have a perfect race with blonde hair, blue eyes and white. He thought Jews stupid and weren't good for the perfect race.

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Hitler wanted his people to be of Aryan race, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Is blonde hair and blue eyes more common than blonde hair and green eyes?

Yes, Because a man named Hitler tried to make the perfect race, Blue eyes and Blond hair, and he almost did do it but he committed suicide because he had brown hair and brown eyes.

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Because it was the 'pure german' gene. The blonde hair blue eyes were being taken over by brunettes and brown eyes because it is more dominant than blonde and blue. They were losing the gene

Why did Hitler like people with blonde hair blue eyes?

Because they were (or looked like) perfect Germans. To him, they were absolutely perfect genetically and overall. Superior to anyone else who wasn't like this.

What happened to the people Hitler saw had no blue eyes and blonde hair?

To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.