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The foreign officers were welcomed into the Continental Army because most of them were adventurers in search of fortune and they knew brought with them professional military knowledge.

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Q: Why were foreign officers welcomed into the Continental Army?
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Why were the foreign officers welcome into the cotinental army?

The Continental Army needed experienced professional military officers.

Were officers attacked in the Revolutionary War?

Yes. The Continental Army attacked commanding officers of the British Army. Because they were cool like that.

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What are the continental army's advantages?

At the time the British were the largest and most powerful army. The continental army was small. However the war was fought on foreign land for the British so it was harder for them and also determination help the US win.

Was James Monroe in the Revolutionary War?

Yes, he was an officer in the Continental Army. Later, when there was a surplus of officers, he instead became a colonel in the Virginia militia.

What was the name of the colonists' army?

The Continental Army.

What was American army led by George Washington called?

George Washington was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War against Britain.

Were does the foreign enable the Continental Army to deafeat the red coats?

The french helped them by supplying them with food, war craft, and medicines

What specific contribute did foreign volunteers make to the Continental Army?

The art of engineering and made valuable contributions as trainers and leaders.

Disease and were a constant problem for the continental army?

Disease and starvation were constant problems for the Continental Army, as was poor hygiene. Many officers were without shoes or proper garments, and were subject to diseases caused by poor living conditions. A bought of Small Pox seized the camp at Valley Forge midway through the Continental Army's winter there, but General George Washington proposed the first inoculation to counter the disease's effects.

What is one major reasons the continental army war the revolutionary war?

Britain grew weary of fighting a costly foreign war.

What were the British advantages over the continental army?

Britain was an established army. The Continental Army was not.