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I think it was because They neaded something to ride on?

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Horses are a luxury. They need lots of land to run. They are expensive to feed and care for.

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Q: Why were horses one of the most valuable items in the Columbian Exchange?
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What items where traded in the Columbian Exchange?

Maize,Corn,Horses,Guns,Drugs,Cocoa, ect.

Was xanthoceras traded in the Columbian Exchange?

It is unknown if xanthoceras was traded during the Columbian Exchange. A list of known items traded during the Colombian Exchange can be found online.

Can you exchange horses for items on Howrse?

Not really, but you can sell horses for equass and passes then buy the item.

Are melba ware shire horses valuable?

Unless the items are in perfect shape, Melba Ware Shire Horses are not very valuable. They can be purchased for about 8 to 10 dollars.

What items were exhange in the columbian exchange?

The Columbian Exchange: Plants, Animals, and Disease between the Old and New Worlds... etc., but the tsunami of biological exchange did not begin until 1492. ... animal, and micro-organism exchanges

Which items were discovered in Mexico and then brought to Europe?

Maize (corn), beans, avocados, tomatoes, some species of squash and turkeys are some of the items brought from Mexico during the Columbian exchange.

What were the items in the Columbian exchange?

All sorts of things. Lots of animals for one. Pigs, horses, sheep, cattle(cows), goats etc. Plants and crops were the other big thing. Potato and corn were the biggest. along with tomato beans chilipepper and squash. Also the exchange of people! They also exchanged cocoa for the Native Americans.

How do you get high price stuff on RuneScape?

Answer: The Grand Exchange. Answer: You buy them. You can get valuable stuff from treasure trails, or as drops from several monsters, but this is not necessarily the best way to get money, because you don't get the items every time - now and then you will randomly get valuable items.

What happened as a result of the Columbian Exchange?

Which of these was a result of the Colombian Exchange

What were horses used for in ancient China?

Horses were important to the ancient Chinese. The Ferghana horses or dragon horses were known for being fleet and sturdy. Horses from this area were valuable as hunting and warrior mounts and could also be used as trade items. A good horse was worth its upkeep and was a prized possession.

How did the Columbian Exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people of Europe and Africa and the Americans?

The Columbian Exchange and the slave trade affect the economies and the people in Europe, Africa, and The Americas in many ways. Columbian Exchange might have been very popular back then, especially when the Europeans explorers brought new plants and animals to Europe and Asia like corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa and when Europe and Asia brought horses, cattle, and pigs to The Americas. "The Columbian exchange dramatically changed the world". This quote from the textbook explains and shows how valued and how Columbian exchange had an impact on the world. This Columbian exchange really change the world not only for good, but for bad. It all started like new items, food, and animals. But after time it all became an tragedy. The Columbian exchange had good things in the beginning this exchanged continued to improve diets and no longer life spans.But on the bad side lots of innocent people started to die. This new items, food and animals that came from the Native Americans had no natural ingredients and were not disinfected which brought a huge diseases to the Europeans and Asians. This diseases often started to expand until it was killing almost all of the population. Besides the Europeans were not getting any of this food, items, or animals for free, they started to trade their goods with the Americas for their goods, since for them the Americas goods where new and different. The Columbian exchange did not only bring diseases to the Europeans and Asians. The Americas, Asians and European started to take trading more developed. "Over time, a trading pattern involving the exchange of raw materials, manufactured products, and slaves developed among Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europeans shipped millions of enslaved Africans to work in the colonies in the New World." Trading started to get harsh and very mean overtime. From trading goods from each other like food and animals, it started to trade their own people.