

Why were jewish people blamed by hitler?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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It was a political tool, to unite the country against a common enemy.

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Q: Why were jewish people blamed by hitler?
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Why did Hitler hate Jewish people he was half Jewish too?

Hitler was not half-Jewish, but he hated Jews mainly because he blamed them for Germany's problems and he viewed them as being sub-human.

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Hitler hated the Jewish people and blamed them for the loss of the first world war. Hitler considered the Jewish peoples back stabbers and targeted them during the Holocaust.

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Adolf Hitler

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He thought they were related to rats and his mother died of a disease and blamed it on the Nurse because she was Jewish.

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world war 1 blamed the costs on Germany

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Hitler always blamed Jewish-Bolshevism for everything.

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Non Jewish, healthy German citizens

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No Hitler did not blame the Jews because he didn't just not like them? He blamed them because he needed an escape rout instead of Germany being blamed and the Jewish people didn't have a government to do anything about it so they were helpless.

Who blamed Jewish people intellectuals and communists for germanys problems after world war ll?

It wasn't after WW2, but WW1 that Hitler blamed the population you listed. A dictator needs to have groups that he makes into enemies so he can blame conditions on them.

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He blamed the Jews!

Why did people get killed in the Holocaust?

People got killed in the Holocaust because the were Jewish. Hitler (the guy who was behind the whole plan of the Holocaust) blamed the Jewish people for everything like World War 1, , the Great Depression, World War 2.

What things were Jewish people deprived of because of Hitler?

The Jewish people hated Adolf Hitler for killing all JEWISH