

Why were kids and and most women not dead on the titanic?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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6y ago

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Many kids and women were not dead on Titanic because of an Edwardian code of chivalry.This code,which was not universal in the world at the time, gave preference to women-and-children.

But in the evacuation of Titanic, there were different degrees. Murdochs policy was 'women and children first'. Lightoller's was 'women and children ONLY'.

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Q: Why were kids and and most women not dead on the titanic?
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only most women and childeren and some men. not everyone got off

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126 kids! I know it's unbelieveable! She had a lot of triplets and twins and kids like that!

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Yes because when the titanic started sinking, the women and the children were the first to get on the boats, the men were last so they could help the people on the boats.

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i believe they had 2 kids ,, possibly more but 2 is what most families had !

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