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to be translated to the after life

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Q: Why were one or more coffins used to bury the dead?
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Related questions

What are coffins used for?

Coffins are used for putting dead people in when they are dead and not alive.

What were mummies not used for?

bury the dead

What where chambers in pyramids used for?

to bury the dead

How was sarcophagus used by Egyptians?

They put the mummified dead into a coffin made of wood (sometimes into several coffins), which were richly decorated, and the coffin (or coffins) was put into a sarcophagus which was made of stone.

What are sarcopgagus used for?

They are used to bury the dead in Egyptian times. it is a form of coffin which has inscriptions and pictures on it

A place where the dead are buried in ancient egypt?

One of the places where a lot of the dead are buried are in the pyramids. This is the system the Egyptians used to bury their dead.

Which country used pyramids?

Egypt uses pyramids some times to bury their dead.

what were the pyramids used for?

They used the pyramids for worshiping the gods,religious festivities,sacrificing and to bury bodies.

What is a Burial Chamber?

A burial chamber is a chamber, often below ground level, used to bury the dead.

For what did ancient Egyptians use Thyme for?

The Ancient Egyptians used Thyme for embalming. Embalming is used to preserve dead bodies. Thyme is also used as incense and put onto coffins at funerals.

Why were coffins used in ancient civilization?

Putting dead people in. No seriously. They put the mummies of the people that could afford them into coffins. The coffins or sarcofigi (singular sarcofigus) where usually like Russian dolls - fitting one inside another, plated or made of gold. Painted with magic spells to keep the person safe as they journeyed to the afterlife and from Howard Carter!

What was a practice of Europeans bury their dead in?

One common practice was burying their dead in cemeteries or churchyards. Another practice was burying their dead in family plots or crypts. In some cultures, mass graves or burial mounds were also used.