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Because students are not allowed to use cell phones at school. One reason is because who knows if they are text messaging during school session and they get a F on their test. They also might be calling during break when they are not supposed to.

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Q: Why were people expelled for having cell phones at school?
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What are the bad thing about having cell phones in school?

cell phones are a destraction from your work.

Why do you get expelled for having weed at school?

Because marijuana is illegal and is considered a gateway Drug.

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Which Famous people expelled form high school?

Cary Grant

Can people be expelled from school and come back?

Yes because if they have changed

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What percent of people agree that cell phones should be allowed at school?

73.7% Of People Agree That Cell Phones Should Be In The Classrooms Of School.

What is a continuation school?

It's like an Adult School. People who didn't pass high school, or was expelled, they enter continuation school.

When was Albert Einstein expelled from school?

he was 15 when he was expelled

If a 14 year old gets expelled from high school can she go to another school?

yes she may just because she got expelled from that one school does not mean that she is expelled from every school

How can cell phones be used in school?

Anything can be stolen at school. Cell phones can be stolen at school, but it is against school rules and the law, so even though it isn't allowed, it can happen.

You put something about people in your school from facebook can you be suspended or expelled?

Yes, you can. Well, I didn't totally understand what you were asking. You can be suspended or expelled for what you do or put on facebook about people at your school or about your school. For example, You take a picture of yourself giving the finger in your uniform. That automatically calls for expulsion because you are creating a bad image for the school. So what you post about people attending your school or about the school could get you in serious trouble if it is reported.