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Q: Why were people not required to pay taxes to the church?
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What tax did people pay to the church?

If one is a member of the church when the year begins, he/she will pay taxes for the church tax. People who are not members of a church tax-collecting denomination do not need to pay.

Who are required to pay taxes?

Everyone is required to pay taxes it's just that some people pay more depending on what the stupid government thinks is right. Rich people pay least taxes middle class pays average and poor/lower class pay a lot.

Does the LDS church pay into unemployment taxes?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "LDS" or "Mormon" church) is a nonprofit religious institution, like most churches. As a non-profit, it does not pay taxes. In nations where religious institutions pay taxes, the church pays taxes. The church does have for-profit business arms (such as Deseret Book, a religious book store) which do pay all taxes required by law. It also pays taxes on any real estate it may purchase or sell. While the church does not pay unemployment taxes, it does have a program to provide employment assistance to those who are unemployed. The church operates several Employment Resource Centers throughout the world, where anyone can come to get extra training and practice their interview and resume skills, as well as search a large database of available jobs. ANOTHER ANSWER: The Church does pay all taxes, including unemployment taxes, as required by local law, for individuals who are employed by the Church in salaried and hourly positions.

Which of these event caused the Irish Catholics to become bitter?

They were forced to pay taxes to the Anglican Church.

Do nuns pay taxes?

No They do not make money and so they do not have to pay taxes. All of there needs are satisfied by the church.

Does the Mormon church pay Federal Taxes?

In the United States, no church or religious organization pays taxes because they are classified as a not-for-profit charity, and are therefore exempt. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church), as a religious organization, is included. The Church does pay taxes where required by law (some European nations do not allow religious organizations to be exempt) and asks its members to pay their taxes honestly. The church does pay taxes on properties that do not have a religious structure on them, such as farm land, park land, sports fields; they also pay taxes on their business investments; they pay taxes on corporations that they own such as a canning facility or facility for processing grain or other foods; they pay employment taxes. Their Universities likely pay taxes as well. In addition to pay millions in taxes each year in the United States, they also donate millions to charities every year- some secular charities and some charities run by other religions. Charitable organizations in need of funds can also request assistance from the church. In 2015, the Gay & Lesbian Center in Salt Lake City required a donation from the church to help them with homeless gay teens. The church promptly sent them a check. Church members also donate millions of hours each year doing volunteer work and assistance in disasters. A portion of the Church's money is invested until it's required for buildings, universities, or other purposes. The invested money -- whether in bank accounts, bonds, stocks, or real estate -- is taxed under the same rules as any other organization.

Do people have to pay taxes while in prison?

Yes, individuals in prison are still required to pay federal income taxes on any income earned while incarcerated. However, they may not have access to certain deductions or credits available to those outside of prison.

What would happen if you did not pay taxes?

The government has various means of enforcing its laws, and forcing people to pay taxes. Some people go to jail for tax evasion. Of course, there are also people who do not pay taxes because they are not required to pay taxes. If you have no money, you pay no taxes. Or, if you have quite a lot of money, you may have various tax write-offs and accounting schemes, offshore bank accounts etc., which also allow you to pay no taxes. It is only the middle class which tends to have no way to legally avoid paying tax.

How do people pay taxes?

People pay taxes in many different ways. Taxes are taken out of your paycheck, you pay taxes when you make purchases at a store, and you pay taxes on your home and property.

Why are people required to pay taxes?

The government originally used taxes in order to pay for army debt in the Revolutionary Era. Taxes were supposed to be abolished at one point in history, but they stuck around to pay for schools, government programs, and public works programs.

What was a negative effect of the medieval church?

One negative effect of the medieval church was its consolidation of power and wealth, leading to corruption and abuse of authority by clergy members. This often resulted in conflict and tension within society and led to the undermining of the church's spiritual authority.

What are the required duties of every citizen?

Pay taxes