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Q: Why were people resistant to allowing immigrants to enter the US in the 1920's?
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Which group of Americans were largely left out of the prosperity of the 1920s?

farmers, new immigrants, blacks, people in poverty, unemployed

Why did immigrants in the 1920s immigrate?

there are many reasons why people could have immigrated in the 1920s. it was probably because the economy in the USA was very good, but the economy wasn't very good in Europe. Alone with that answer, some immigrants (such as the Irish) came to the U.S. because of famines, or because of religious persecution.

What did the Ku Klux Klan focus its attention on in the 1920s?

Immigrants and religion

What describes immigrants in the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They were farm workers from Mexico.

How did the KKK strengthen during the 1920s?

Yes, because of the massive immigration of Europeans and other immigrants to the USA.

Why did congress make changes in immigration laws during the 1920s?

During the 1920s Congress put limitations on Immigration. The limitations slowed down the influx of millions of immigrants. 40 million people immigrated to the United States between 1880 and 1920.

Why did the period of largely unregulated immigrants come to an end in the 1920s?

they past laws

Which best describes immigrants on the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They worked for low pay

How did the flapper symbolize change for women in the 1920s-?

The flapper symbolize change for women in the 1920s by allowing women to express their energetic, rebellious, bold, fun-loving sides.

How did people reveal distrust of others in the 1920s?

how did people reveal distrust of others in the 1920s?

Which best describes immigrants in the 1920s who were known as braceros?

They worked for low pay.