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when they die, they thought they would still be alive in the afterlife

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Q: Why were pharaohs buried with so many possessions?
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Why might boats have been buried near the pharaohs pyramids?

Wealthy and important people were buried with many of their possessions in ancient Egypt. Just as pharaohs would need boats for transportation in this life, they anticipated they would need them in the afterlife, so the boats were buried with them to ensure they would have what they needed in the afterlife.

Why are pyramids built in different sizes?

so pharaohs can get burried in them.

Why the egyptians buried the pharaohs so deep inside the pyramids?

The Egyptians believed that if their Pharaoh was buried, they would come back to life. Or their spirit at least

What are some possessions Egyptians were buried with?

Its easy. the possessions that they owned were lots of gold and jewelry. They used bugs for make up and so much more. King tut was the richest king of Egypt you could imagine!! he had almost every possession of Egypt.

Why were pharaohs and gods put in pyramids?

it was a respectful thing to do and manly because they buried the pharaoh with there belongings so that they had them in their after life.

Who was the pyramid built for?

It was mainly built for the honor of the kings and queens so that when they died they could be buried in it.

The mummies of Egyptian pharaohs were often buried in what type of transport believed to assist them to travel to the next world?

The mummies of Egyptian pharaohs were often buried in large, ornate burial chambers called sarcophagi. These were believed to assist the pharaoh in traveling to the next world and ensure their safe passage into the afterlife.

Was there pottery in the pyramids?

Yes,because all of the Pharaohs items would be put in the pyramid. Don't forget the Pharaohs were buried in pyramids, and some other rich people so they had to have enough money to buy pottery.

During what period of Egyptian history were the three great pyramids of Egypt built?

it was during the Old Kingdom. after that, they buried the pharaohs in the valley of the kings to make the graves not so obvious, because grave robbers were stealing the valuable stuff the pharaohs were buried with. that did not help much though :)

Did the slaves get buried with the pharaohs in there tombs?

yes they do they burry kings in the pyramids so they must have put pharoahs in to

Where were pharohs buried?

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt were typically buried in elaborate tombs built in locations such as the Valley of the Kings or the Valley of the Queens. These tombs were filled with treasures and items believed to be needed for the afterlife, as the pharaohs were considered divine rulers.

What things were buried with a Pharaohs?

Because the ancient egyptians believed that whatever was in the tomb was available for use in your *afterlife* so they loaded up the rooms with everything a pharaoh needed such as food and water and prized possessions so they would be able to live a wealthy afterlife.