

Why were pyramids needed in the pyramids?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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for ancient Egyptians tombs

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Q: Why were pyramids needed in the pyramids?
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Where did they get the materials they needed for the pyramids?

from the ground i guess.

Why were ventilation shafts built in the pyramids?

I imagine so that people that needed to work inside the pyramids could breathe

Do pyramids exist?

Egyptian pharaohs needed tombs, so the Egyptians would make pyramids as the pharaoh's tomb.

Who built the Pyramids and why were these tombs needed?

the egyptians built them for the purpose of buring their dead pharohs inside, and they were needed for that purpose.

How did the Maya's carry and stack stones pyramids?

Around 170 people were needed to help the Mayan's build their pyramids. They used a long ramp to lift the stones to the heights needed for the pyramids. The stone blocks were mounted and rolled onto wooden pallets instead of dragged through the sand.

Why were the pyramids created in Egypt?

The pyramids house the pharaohs of Egypt along with them were buried all the things they needed in the afterlife.

What specialized skills were needed to build pyramids?

mathematics,geometry,engineering,and architecture !!

Why do experts believe women helped build these pyramids?

because women needed to help

Why was pyramids important?

They were needed to bury the dead pharoahs and usr to keep grave robbers out

Why was pyramida built?

mummies were put in tombs and the tombs needed somewhere to go so the Egyptian people made pyramids..... Although I have no idea why they called it pyramids though.

What was most important purpose of the pyramids?

They pyramids were made to house the bodies of the pharaohs with all the things they needed in the afterlife. Later, tombs were created in the Valley of the Kings for the pharaohs and this was where Tut was found.

Do king and queen keeps treasure in ancient Egyptians pyramids?

yes because they believed they needed them in the after life