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Schools were important to the Puritans because they believed in the importance of educating their children in order to read and interpret The Bible for themselves. They wanted to ensure that their children had a strong foundation in religious teachings and a moral education. Education was also seen as a way to maintain their community values and beliefs.

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Q: Why were schools important to the puritans?
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What things is important to the puritans?

The Puritans believed in strict adherence to religious principles, such as predestination and the authority of the Bible. They valued hard work, thriftiness, and a simple lifestyle. They also placed a strong emphasis on education and moral behavior.

What did puritans teach in school?

Puritans schools focused on teaching children to read and write so they could study the Bible. They also emphasized the importance of moral education and obedience to authority. Additionally, practical skills like farming, sewing, and basic arithmetic were also taught in Puritan schools.

How was predestination important to the puritans?

Predestination was important to the Puritans because it shaped their understanding of God's sovereignty and their place in the world. They believed that God had already chosen who would be saved and who would be damned, leading them to pursue a life of piety and moral purity to demonstrate their election. This belief in predestination also influenced their strong work ethic and sense of discipline in daily life.

What is the difference between the seperist puritans and non-seperatists puritans?

Separatist Puritans believed in completely separating from the Church of England and forming their own independent congregations. Non-separatist Puritans, on the other hand, wanted to reform the Church of England from within. Ultimately, the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth were Separatist Puritans, while the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony were mostly non-separatists.

What town did the Puritans live in?

The Puritans settled in the town of Plymouth in Massachusetts in 1620.

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How did the puritans colonists provide for education in a way no European country had done before?

the puritans built schools.

What is important to the puritans?

Well what are important to the puritans is are is are is are is are is are is are learn to use is and are correctly Mr. Tardfag

What social institution did the puritans develope?

schools and churches

Why did the puritans support public schools?

they wanted people to have freedom like they had

How important going to Harvard was for the Puritans?

Very important

Did the puritans admire the teachings of Calvinism?

The Puritans did admire the teachings of Calvinism. Calvinism was an important part of the Puritans beliefs and foundation.

Why are the puritans important to American history?

they are awsome

Why was the success of the Massachusetts Bay Colony so important to the Puritans?

because the puritans wanted riligous freedom

Why was success of the Massachusetts BAy Colony so important to the Puritans?

because the puritans wanted riligous freedom

What was the most important thing to the puritan people?

At the time there religion was very important to the puritans

How was the puritan colonists system of education different from any in Europe?

The Puritan Colonists believed that education was successful by observation and doing. The Puritans were home schooled by having them help with household chores or help in the hunt for food and the building of shelter. The Europeans sent their children to established schools for book learning.

What was important to the puritans?

fishing, fur trading, lumber and whaling.