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Ships were used in the Revolutionary War to harass the British maritime supplying traffic and carry on sudden attack against the British possessions in the West Indies.

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Q: Why are there ships in the harbor during the American revolution?
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In what ways did France help the Americans during the American Revolution?

Gold~guns~uniforms~experienced troop leaders~safe harbor for american ships

What was the name of the American merchant ships that were allowed to attack British ships during the revolution?


What did The French and English ships do to America during revolution?

During the American Revolution, the English ships blockaded American ports and supported the British military in their efforts to put down the rebellion. French ships were rarely in American waters, but were allied with the American in revolt against England and did no damage to America. They did bring supplies to the Americans, some troops, and participated in the final siege of Yorktown. During the French Revolution, English and French ships were not particularly concerned with the United States.

Which countries came to the assistance of America with their navies during the War for Independence?

American seaborne forces during the Revolution consisted of armed ships from

How did ships change during the industrial revolution?

ships actually changed during the late 1840

Is harbor a noun?

It can be used as a noun (during the storm the ships stayed in the harbor) and also as a verb (it is illegal to harbor a criminal).

What is the submarine used in the American Revolution?

The submarine that was used during the American Revolution was called the Turtle or the American Turtle. It was designed to approach British ships that had occupied American harbors and place explosive devices on their hulls. All such attempts failed.

What is the name for preventing ships in or out of a harbor during the Civil War?


Where can you get information about North Carolina ships in the American Revolution?

Try the Early America or American Revolution links to the right.

American seaborne forces during the Revolution consisted of armed ships from?

The Continental Army, state navies, privateers, and the Continental Navy

How many American ships were in pearl harbor at the time when the Japanese attacked?

a lot

What did Admiral De Grasse do in the American Revolution?

During the battle of Yorktown, De Grasse brought ships from the Carribean and blocked the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, blocking the British supply ships.