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they were royal and loyal to Great Britain.

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Q: Why were there so many loyalists in Georgia?
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Why did the British think they might find support in the southern colonies?

There were a lot of loyalists living in the backcountry of Georgia and South Carolina

Where Loyalists strength was strongest?

In the south, especially Georgia and the carolinas.

What was Nancy harts hobbies?

Her mission was to rid the Georgia territory of the british loyalists

Why was anti-british sentiment less in Georgia?

Well remember, Georgia was base mostly on agriculture back then, and all of the taxes put on the colonists mainly harmed the industrial north (Ex: Stamp Act). Therefore Georgia wasn't as effected as much as the northern colonies, so many Georgians remained Loyalists.

Why did the British decide on an invasion of Georgia and South Carolina?

If they invaded Georgia and South Carolina,they could end the war with help of the Loyalists.

Why did so many loyalists leave the united stats?

Many Loyalists left the 13 colonies because they where loyal to the British Crown and were not safe staying in the U.S during the Revolution.

Why did the loyalists like the proclamation of 1763?

The king was for it and the Loyalists was for the king so that's why..

Georgia was named after what person and what country did he come from?

King George III, king of England during the colonies. a bunch of loyalists moved to Georgia and named it Georgia in honor of king george.

Why did loyalists come to Canada after the American revolutionary war?

Many Loyalists wanted to remain 'loyal' to King George. Many were harassed by neighboring patriots after the war because they knew the loyalists' preference for the King. The loyalists were bullied and so, they decided to leave by ship for Canada. Though many stayed in Canada, eventually some did return to the US soil.

How many miles from perry Georgia to Savannah Georgia?

170 or so

Loyalist in a sentence?

Loyalists to the right, rebels to the left, please... Many of the American colonists were Loyalists.

Were many Southern Presbyterians Loyalists?
