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Q: Why were the Cubans reluctant to ratify the new constitution after the Spanish-American War?
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13th state to ratify the constitution?

Rhode Island was the 13th state to ratify the United States Constitution on May 29, 1790. Initially, Rhode Island was reluctant to join the Union and held out for three years before finally agreeing to ratify the document.

Why were Virginia and New York reluctant to ratify the constitution?

They were concerned that it took power away from the states, and that the National government would be TOO strong. By the way- they were right.

Can you Define ratify?

Ratify is the constitution

How did James Madison Alexander hamilton and john jay try to persuade the reluctant states to ratify the Constitution?

I really do not know. LOL really don't know LOL

What party wanted to ratify the constitution?

The Federalist Party wanted to ratify the Constitution.

How many states were needed to ratify the constitution and why?

9 states were needed to ratify the Constitution

Who were prominent delegates who voted to ratify the constitution?

prominent delegates who voted to ratify the constitution and why?

How many state were requiered to ratify the constitution?

it took 9 states to ratify the Constitution

What was a problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.

In what place was Georgia in to ratify the US Constitution?

Georgia was the fourth state to ratify the u.s constitution

The last state to ratify the constitution?

Rhode Island was the last state to ratify the constitution.

What were Virginia and New York reluctant to ratify the constitution?

The Founding Fathers could not be sure that the Constitution would be generally accepted until the important states of New York and Virginia had ratified it. Powerful organized opposition to the Constitution had developed in these two states and in others. Such men as Elbridge Gerry, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Mason spoke out against ratification. Answer found by Angel Perez of North Henderson High School