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It was where he developed his theory. The Galapagos are considered the "Laboratory of Evolution." Evolution is easily observable here.

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Q: Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's theory?
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Who found a fossil on Galapagos islands that backed up Darwins theory?

Richard Owen

The life found on this island group provided the basis for much of charles DArwins theory of evolution?

Those Islands would be the Galapagos Islands.

What is the galapagos islands famous for their contribution?

The Galapagos Islands are famous for their contribution to Charles Darwin´s Theory of Evolution.

Why is the Galapagos Islands so important to the world?

The finches of the Galapagos Islands provided Charles Darwin with the inspiration for his Theory of Evolution. They provided the basis of modern biology. The differences found between species in such a small place are important for the study of Bioogy.

What is a funfact for the Galapagos Islands?

These islands are where Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution.

What group of islands of the coast inspired Darvin's Theory of Evolution?

Galapagos Islands.

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's observations?

During Darwins visit to the Galapagos island he observed that these islands had many unique organisms, most of which were similar to but different from the plants and animals from the nearest mainland.... thus this indicated how population evolved. Darwin called this "descent with modification" meaning an ancestral species could diversify into many descendant species by the accumulation of adaptation to various environment. His observation described the theory of evolution.

What islands influenced Darwin about evolution?

The Falklands and the Galapagos islands helped Darwin's theory

The galapagos islands are famous for their contribution to?

The evolutionary theory.

Why did Darwin visit the galapagos islands?

To begin to formulate his theory of evolution

Darwin drew ideas for his theory from observations of organisms on?

Galapagos Islands

On which island helped Darwin to arrive at his theory of evolution?

Galapagos Islands