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The Germans were trying weaken English defenses and take over the country.

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Q: Why were the Germans bombing London in the 1940's?
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Who was bombing London and other cities in England in the 1940s?

Nazi Germany was trying to bomb the British people into surrendering and ending the war.

What were air raids in world war2?

It's when aircraft from one side bombed a city from the other side, such as the Germans bombing London, or the Americans bombing Berlin.

When did Germany begin its bombing of London in World War 2?

On September 5, 1940, the Germans began bombing London, reportedly in retaliation for a British raid on Berlin. Bad weather, however, hampered their efforts and it was not until September 15, that the massive bombing attacks began.

Why do the Pevensie children get sent away from London?

This part of the book is set in England in WW II at the time the Germans were bombing many cities, including London (see "The Blitz"). Families in cities frequently sent their children into the country so that the children would be safe from the bombing attacks.

What was life in london like during world war 2?

Constant bombing, children had to be evacuated by trains to foster homes. Better to read a diary or a book on this. Germans attacked London, i don't remember when though.

When was London bombing?


Why didn't the Germans help the Japanese in bombing pearl harbor?

The Germans didn't help the Japanese in bombing pearl harbor because the Germans did not want to help the Japanese by wasting their planes and air craft carriers in the event.

When was the city of London bombed?

In a big way. The Germans launched what was called "The Blitz", in which London and outlying areas were bombed constantly for months. Were it not for the British airmen who fought them off, the war could have been lost in this phase.

The bombing raids on England by the Germans were called operation?


Where did the London bombings happen?

The London bombing did occur in central London. The attack targeted the London Underground.

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What swear words were used by Germans in the 1930s and 1940s? is not a platform for distributing profanaties.